Alternative Stylesheets Cascading Mini Test

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Browsers that are subjected to this test should support the CSS color properties, grouping CSS selectors (a, b, c { }), the HTML LINK element method of importing stylesheets, the @import rule, alternative stylesheets, and the display property (well, at least it's none value).

Note. This is also test 51 of the ImportTest.

1. The Test

Currently selected alternative stylesheet:

Alt 1
Alt 4 (split into three parts)
Alt 10 (Default)
Alt 17 (split into two parts)
Alt 22

When you switch alternative stylesheets, the list above should reflect the change (only one item should be visible, that of the selected alternate stylesheet set). Note that in this mini test, there are only 5 alternative stylesheets: 1, 4, 10, 17 and 22.

In the following list, every item should be green. However often you switch stylesheets, they should still be green. Green, green, green. All of them. Red is a sign of a disaster.

  1. Should be green - Persistent Stylesheet.
  2. Should be green - Persistent Stylesheet.
  3. Should be green - Linked from every alternative stylesheet.
  4. Should be green - Linked from every alternative stylesheet.
  5. Should be green - Linked from every alternative stylesheet.
  6. Should be green - Persistent Stylesheet.
  7. Should be green - Persistent Stylesheet.

To check your browser is working, select each stylesheet set in turn, checking that all 7 entries above are green each time. Then, select the stylesheets in reverse order, checking each time that each entry is green. Finally, and this is the fun part, select the entries in a random order, and once more, check that each entry is always green. This must be the most boring and tedious test of the whole ImportTest!

Submit Results

If no alternate stylesheet interface is available, then ignore the red that appears.

How does your browser fare on this test?

Up to the Evil Tests Page or to the Eviller ImportTest.

This page is maintained by Ian Hickson (

Last updated in January 1999.