Relative Positioning - 2

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Browsers that are subjected to this test should support the CSS1 and CSS2 positioning.

1. Moving Left then Stretching Right

This is just an ordinary test paragraph. This is an ordinary test paragraph. Ain't nothing special about this paragraph. This is an ordinary test paragraph. This is an ordinary test paragraph. This is an ordinary test paragraph. This is an ordinary test paragraph. This is an ordinary test paragraph.

This paragraph should look like it has been stretched left and right so that both edges touch the outer border edge. That is to say, there should be no gap between this text and the containg DIV's border.

This should be in the same kind of position as the previous paragraph. This paragraph should look like it has been stretched left and right so that both edges touch the outer border edge. That is to say, there should be no gap between this text and the containg DIV's border.

This is yet another simple test paragraph. This is yet another simple test paragraph. This is yet another simple test paragraph. This is yet another simple test paragraph. This is yet another simple test paragraph. This is yet another simple test paragraph. This is yet another simple test paragraph.

2. Moving Right then Stretching Left

This is just an ordinary test paragraph. This is an ordinary test paragraph. Ain't nothing special about this paragraph. This is an ordinary test paragraph. This is an ordinary test paragraph. This is an ordinary test paragraph. This is an ordinary test paragraph. This is an ordinary test paragraph.

This paragraph should look like it has been stretched left and right so that both edges touch the outer border edge. That is to say, there should be no gap between this text and the containg DIV's border.

The same thing should happen to this paragraph as to the previous one.This paragraph should look like it has been stretched left and right so that both edges touch the outer border edge. That is to say, there should be no gap between this text and the containg DIV's border.

This is yet another simple test paragraph. This is yet another simple test paragraph. This is yet another simple test paragraph. This is yet another simple test paragraph. This is yet another simple test paragraph. This is yet another simple test paragraph. This is yet another simple test paragraph.

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This page is maintained by Ian Hickson (

Last updated in February 1999.